Ku Ku KaChew

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Monday, April 04, 2011

Our amazing and growing potluck family

I LOVE MY POTLUCK FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Kim's berry pie

Kim's tropical mango / pineapple pie

Michael's carrot/pumpkin soup

Rosita's chocolate chip cookie dough pie

Victoria's wakame salad

Victoria's chocolates (mint, almond, buckwheat groat crispies, and plain)

Victoria's crackers

Victoria also brought an enormous bowl of sunflower sprouts

Aru made paneer and peas (not raw or vegan, but vegetarian!)

Rachel's zucchini spaghetti (sorry, tomato sauce not pictured)

My zucchini asian noodles, kinda pad thai-ish

My thin mints

Gettin some grubbin on!

Kim commanding the evening with her bell :)

Rosita completely satiated

 Love love love <3

Our family! Come be a part of this wonderful energy!!

Not dying to come join our dinners yet? Check out what people have to say about our potluck family!

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