Ku Ku KaChew

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Juice fasting: Day 4

Felt much better today!! My "hangover" yesterday was definitely from the caffeine. I'm glad because that means I can keep on trucking! Breakdown:

Quart of warm water with 2 teaspoons of salt to cleanse.
Also juiced apple, lemon, and ginger. 
Added almond meal to the pulp and made cookies! Dehydrated strawberries too, mmmm

Hot water with lemon.
Juiced kiwi, strawberries, orange, apple (DELICIOUS!)
Also made fruit splats / leather

Tried to juice red cabbage but no juice was really coming out. So I am making sauerkraut with it instead which is just fine! I made some last week and devoured it :)
So I just juiced carrots, parsley, apple, lemon, and added some cayenne. Also had coconut water from one young Thai coconut.

Late night
Homemade tea concoction of lemon slices, sliced up a BIG hunk of ginger, added a few goji berries, some turmeric, a couple dried shiitake mushrooms, and a large piece of kombu in a slow cooker. This big batch should last me a couple days.

Walked around Piedmont for an hour

Lesson of the day: I came to find that turmeric doesn't really dissolve, even when heated. Sad day. But yay for the process of learning!!


  1. I feel the need to spend a nice sunny day cooking and learning alongside you in your lab in the sky.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful day :)

  3. Sarah, I'm totally impressed! How did the cookies come out? I'm a huge fan of almond meal.

  4. Not sure yet, but I will find out on Sunday when I begin to eat solid food again!

  5. This would be great food to eat after a big race, to help with depletion ! Let us all know how it goes ... oh by the way, I ordered a juicer too!

  6. That's awesome, Karen!! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I'm enjoying mine :) Can't wait to ease off juicing with smoothies on Sunday!
