Ku Ku KaChew

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Juice fasting: Day 7

Still sick, but gonna try to go to bed soon. Transferred my sauerkraut to fill up a container. Ain't it purty?? :)

Here's the daily breakdown:

Mint tea

Juiced 2 pears and an apple. DIVINE!! Pears give a TON of juice and it's incredibly yummy :) Took the pulp, mixed it with dried coconut flakes, and formed cookies to dehydrate (like how I did the mango yesterday). Can't wait!

Juiced bell pepper, spinach, apple, lime, cilantro. Bell pepper yields a TON of juice. Yummy in my tummy.

Late night
Tea from Day 4. Finally done with this hah.

Walked a couple miles to work and back

Guess what??? Mom had a coffee grinder she wasn't using!! What does that mean? Means I get to playyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! I just discovered something AMAZING to put in it, but I'm not going to tell you what it is yet... I'm gonna experiment (once I can eat solid foods again) and I think I may just keep it to myself as my secret rawker weapon! :-D

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